

发布时间:2019-02-12 10:48:13 点击量:



The 12th Asia Pacific Burn Congress


We are pleased to announce that the 12th Asia Pacific Burn Congress (2019 APBC) will be hosted by the Singapore General Hospital Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetics Surgery and the Association for Burns Injuries Singapore (ABIS) from 14 to 17 August 2019 at the Academia, Singapore. The 12th APBC will be a premier event on the international calendar for the exchange of knowledge and experience in the management of burn injuries, and new findings in the field.

It will bring doctors, nurses, healthcare executives, researchers, and clinical professionals together, which will provide an excellent platform for sharing clinical experiences, the latest cutting edge research results and technology innovations for clinical management. Experts from various countries will also be participating in the congress. The theme for the 12th APBC is ‘Burn Care Excellence through Multidisciplinary Team Work’. Through this platform, we hope to gain new knowledge and broaden our horizon. I look forward to seeing all of you in Singapore on August 2019.



The abstracts submitted will be considered to be published in Burns & TraumaBurns & Trauma is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing the latest developments in basic, clinical and translational research related to burns and traumatic injuries. With a special focus on prevention efforts, clinical treatment and basic research in developing countries, the journal welcomes submissions in various aspects of biomaterials, tissue engineering, stem cells, critical care, immunobiology, skin transplantation, prevention and regeneration of burns and trauma injury. Burns & Trauma has been indexed in Science Citation Index(SCI) and PubMed.



  1. Accepted Abstracts will be published in the Burns and Trauma or 12th Asia Pacific Burn Congress (APBC) Programme Booklet. Abstracts are selected on the basis of scientific merit and may be allocated to either oral or poster presentation at the discretion of the Abstract Review Committee.

  2. To qualify for publication at Burns and Trauma, the work covered by the abstract must not have been previously published or accepted for publication prior to the 12th APBC.


  1. The selection of presentation preference, “Poster/Oral/No Preference”, will neither prejudice acceptance nor guarantee a poster or oral presentation because abstract must be arranged to fit into a thematic group for presentation. The shortlisting of abstract is also based on scientific merit at the discretion of the Abstract Review Committee. However, the Abstract Review Committee will make every effort to accommodate your presentation request.

  2. Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present at the 12th APBC if accepted.

  3. Expenses associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract are the responsibility of the presenter.

  4. The APBC reserves the right to all video and audio recordings of presentations at the congress.

Rules for Submission of Abstracts

  1. No revisions to abstracts will be permitted after the submission deadline.

  2. Abstracts must be submitted using the Abstract Submission Form provided.

  3. The default content of the Abstract Submission Form should not be altered. Information should be keyed in the textboxes provided.

Abstract Withdrawal

  1. Request for withdrawal of an abstract must be done before the submission deadline.

  2. Proof read abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission.

Rules and format for Preparation of Abstracts

Abstract Title

  1. An Abstract must have a short, specific title, which clearly defines the content of the paper.

  2. Abstract without titles will be disqualified.

  3. The title should be in bold, sentence case with no full stop at the end and no underlining,

    e.g.: Results from experiments in this field


  1. If an Author’s Name appear on more than one abstract, it must be identical on each abstract.

  2. An author’s name may appear on multiple abstracts

  3. First name, middle initials if required, and surname with no full stop at the end. Underline the name of the corresponding author. A comma should separate author names. Where authors are from a number of different institutions, the appropriate institution number from the affiliation list should be given as a superscript number immediately after each author’s name,

    e.g.: John Smith1, Susan Jones1, Bill Fisher2


  1. Affiliations should include department, institute, town and country. Where there are multiple affiliations, each should be listed as a separate paragraph. Each institute should appear in the order used against the author names (see above paragraph) and show the appropriate superscript number, e.g.:

    1Department, University, Town, State, USA
    2University, Town, State, UK
    2Company, Town, State, Canada,

Main Text

  1. Should not be more than 300 words, unless otherwise specified by your conference organizer

  2. Please use single line spacing

  3. Type the text unjustified, without hyphenating words at line breaks

  4. Use hard returns only to end headings and paragraphs, not to rearrange lines

  5. Greek and other special characters may be included. If you are unable to reproduce a particular special character, please type out the name of the symbol in full

  6. SI units should be used throughout (litre and molar are permitted, however)

  7. Web links (URLs) should be provided in full, including both the title of the site and the URL, in the following format:

  8. Mouse Tumour Biology Database [http://tumor.informatics.jax.org/cancer_links.html]

  9. Abbreviations should be used as sparingly as possible and should be defined when first used

  10. The format of the abstract should be as follow: Background, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions

  11. The provision of references is optional, and if you choose to list the references, it will be included in the 300 words word count. Please use the BioMed Central reference format (see below)


All references should be cited/called out consecutively in the text, using numbers in square brackets. Only papers that have been published, or are in press, or are available through public e-print/preprint servers should be included in the reference list.

Journal abbreviations should follow MEDLINE standards.

References should be laid out at the end of the abstract in Vancouver style and be preceded by the relevant reference number. Foreign/translated works are allowed in references, as long as they also follow Vancouver style. Please ensure that the number of references listed is reasonable and does not exceed more than half a page. An example of a reference for a journal article follows. The full reference style guide can be found at the journal’s website.

1. Chomczynski P, Sacchi N. Single-step method of RNA isolation by acid guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction. Anal Biochem. 1987; 162:156-159.


PGMI Secretariat

Medical Education and Events

20 College Road,

Academia, Level 2,

Singapore 169856

E: apbc_secretariat@sgh.com.sg

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